Here is
What we do
We eradicate the huge dependency on power companies and assure you of an uninterruptible power supply. we provide you with a solution that lasts with an 18months Manufacturer’s warranty upon installation, and a guaranteed return on your investment.

We evaluate the various factors as pertaining your request and give you a practical solution that lasts. Either you’re trying to power a factory, an office or for personal use, we have you covered.

And of course, we also offer an Installation service, we give you a custom-tailored design that suits your load and budget and we install high quality solar systems.

Solar sales are beyond just selling solar products, it also requires the technical know-how of what you’re selling, it also means that you’re required to understand the expectation of your prospect and sell give a system that befits their load(s).

Solar panels requires ultra-low maintenance, especially if they are tilted, as rain can easily wash away any dust/debris, BUT it is also recommended that also maintain the status of your batteries.